With the recent adoption of the ELD, truckers, and trucking companies have become more aware of certain aspects that plague the industry. One of the more troubling problems that ELD has brought to light is the amount of time spent waiting at the shipping docks and how it is not being logged succinctly until now. Truckers wait currently at least two hours at the shipping dock unpaid while their truck is either loaded or unloaded. Recent surveys conducted by DAT have revealed that the actual hours are closer to three hours which may put truckers behind schedule. With them being behind schedule, that causes them to rush and possibly break speed limits in an attempt to make up for lost time due to detention at the dock.
Using the ELD, these detention numbers can be more easily and obtained which can help the truckers collect detention pay. This collection of detention pay is something that had been harder to do before the introduction of the ELD as it was not viewable by the trucking company. However, with the introduction of the ELD, trucking companies can fairly comp truckers backpay about the amount of time spent at a shipping dock waiting. It also helps tackle the ever-growing issue of truckers being underpaid for their services. Compared to 1980, truckers are paid 36% less than they used to be. This pay disparity can be made up slightly by coming after detention pay for time spent at shipping docks using the ELD as the source of the time information.
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